FMCSA updates ELD Web Service Security Settings

truck driving

The FMCSA recently updated its ELD Web Service Security Settings to meet cybersecurity requirements. The updated ELD Web Service Security Settings will officially take effect on June 26, 2021, and the agency has asked ELD providers to make the appropriate changes in order to connect successfully and complete ELD data transfers going forward. ELD providers

3 tactics small fleets can use to get more out of their HOS

trucker smiling

The cost of losing hours of service is felt daily by small trucking companies, who lose revenue due to heavy traffic and adverse weather conditions. Losing hours of service has a massive economic impact on small fleets as they look to compete with larger mega fleets. However, GPSTab has got your back. The FMCSA has

How the Adverse Conditions rule can save your hours of service

truck driving in adverse conditions

Weather, like many other things in life, can be unpredictable at times. A light drizzle can turn into heavy rain, stopping you in your tracks and messing with your hours of service.  Difficult weather conditions are unavoidable, but they don’t necessarily have to ruin your hours of service anymore if your ELD provider makes the

How to maximize hours of service with the split-sleeper rule

person sleeping in semi truck

What if we told you that you could get the most out of your hours of service by simply splitting your sleeper berth? Yes, it’ll take some planning and strategizing ahead of time, but it’s possible thanks to the FMCSA’s split-sleeper berth rule. The split-sleeper provision was updated in the summer of 2020, providing truckers

Breaking down the most flexible ELDs on the market

person using GPSTab ELD

For a few years now, the FMCSA has made some much-needed changes to hours of service regulations, in an attempt to give trucking businesses more flexibility. The FMCSA made a myriad of changes to breaks and the sleeper berth rule. Additionally, the FMCSA has also clarified the Adverse Conditions exemption, making it more widely accessible

The benefits of 24/7 customer support for small fleets

customer service team

Around-the-clock support can have a variety of benefits to small fleets, who make up over 90 percent of the trucking industry. Small fleets require a creative competitive edge in order to do compete with mega fleets in the trucking industry. One competitive edge they can leverage is having access to 24/7 customer support from their

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